Virtually Islamic Blog

Research, Information and Speculation on Islam in the Digital Age

UK Muslims in cyberspace

"Entering a world of memes and influencers, Muslim dating apps, and alt-right Islamophobes, Hussein Kesvani reveals how a new generation of young Muslims who have grown up with the internet are using social media to determine their religious identity on their own terms—something that could change the course of ‘British Islam’ forever." I am looking forward to reading this book, as I'm sure the author has done a great job exploring these issues. It's an important subject area worthy of substantial research. Watch this space for news of my own work in that field. Check out my chapters listed on this website, for related work that I have written in the past specifically on British Muslims, going back to very early journal piece that came out in 1999 (" British Muslim  Identities in Cyberspace", Islam  and Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1999, 353-362.)

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