Newyddion PYCDDS, Hysbysiad am Lyfr Newydd: “Islamic Algorithms: Online Influence in the Muslim Metaverse” gan Yr Athro Gary R. Bunt i’w Ryddhau’r Mis Nesaf. “Dywedodd yr Athro Gary R. Bunt: “Rydym mewn cyfnod arwyddocaol yn natblygiad technoleg, sydd â goblygiadau ar draws cymdeithasau, gan gynnwys cyd-destunau Mwslimaidd. ‘Mae ‘Islamic Algorithms: Online Influence in the Muslim Metaverse’ yn trafod y berthynas gymhleth sy’n datblygu rhwng ffydd a beitiau, gan gynnwys cysyniadau sy’n gysylltiedig â chynrychiolaethau digidol amrywiol o Islam a Mwslimiaid, a sut mae dealltwriaeth artiffisial ac algorithmau chwilio yn effeithio ar awdurdod ac ymgysylltiad crefyddol.””

UWTSD Newsroom: New Book Alert: “Islamic Algorithms: Online Influence in the Muslim Metaverse” by Professor Gary R. Bunt to be Released Next Month “Professor Gary R. Bunt, commented: ” We are at a significant phase in technological development, with implications across societies, including in Muslim contexts. ‘Islamic Algorithms: Online Influence in the Muslim Metaverse’ navigates the intricate and evolving interplay between faith and bytes, including concepts associated with the diverse digital representations of Islam and Muslims, and how artificial intelligence and search algorithms impact on religious authority and engagement. “”


Digitally distracted professor. Researcher/author on Islam, Muslims and the internet. Emoji-free zone. Reposting does not imply endorsement, etc. #HashtagIslam #Islam