• Sat 22 Muharram 1444AH 20-8-2022AD

Digital humanities in Islamic Studies

Syaifudin Zuhr; Mahmud Syaltout Syahidulhaqq; Sunarwoto, Munirul Ikhwan; DNajib Kailani; Bimantoro; Alfon Satria, Muhammad Zulkarnain, Laporan Penelitian, Digital Humanities Dan Big Data Dalam Studi Islam, Pusat Studi Mukaddima. Research...

Algorithms’ Impact

Joe Whittaker, GNET, Recommendation Systems and Extremism: What Do We Know?, 17 Aug 2022 “One of the most persistent policy concerns of recent years is the notion that social...

IS Cell Sentences

Steve Swann, BBC News, Islamic State ‘Beatles’: How 2011 arrests led to convictions, 18 Aug 2022 “Hostages freed by the Islamic State terror cell, known as The Beatles, gave...

Twitter Agent

Joel Rosenblatt and Robert Burnson, Bloomberg, Former Twitter Employee Convicted of Spying for Saudi Arabia“A former Twitter Inc. employee was convicted of spying for Saudi Arabia by turning over...