New and noted

New and noted: The new issue of Medya ve Din Araştırmaları Dergisi has just appeared. It has several open-access articles relevant to those working on religion and media. Highlights...

Heştek İslam

UWTSD Press Release, ‘”Hashtag Islam”, llyfr clodwiw yr ysgolhaig amlwg, yr Athro Gary R. Bunt wedi’i gyfieithu i’r Tyrceg fel “#Heştek İslam”‘ “Mae gwaith arloesol yr Athro Gary R....

Research Issues

New and noted: Aaron Zelin, (2023). “Highly nuanced policy is very difficult to apply at scale”: Examining researcher account and content takedowns online. Policy & Internet, 1–16. Abstract follows: “Since 2019, researchers examining,...