• Mon 10 Muharram 1444AH 8-8-2022AD


Meili Criezis, GNET, Al Qa’ida and Islamic State Supporter Reactions to Zawahiri’s Death, 8 Aug 2022 “This Insight provides a quick overview of al-Qa’ida supporter reactions to Zawahiri’s death...


Nadia Helmy, Modern Diplomacy, Chinese propaganda in the Middle East through social media and Twitter “Here, a remarkable activity has recently been observed by Chinese Arabic-speaking journalists, media persons...


It’s important to consider the online influence of travel content as a means of facilitating Assad narratives: Travel content creators are being accused of whitewashing the Assad regime in...


Morocco World News, #Fetrah: Online Campaign Against LGBTQ+ Community Goes Viral in Morocco “In an apparent bid to counter campaigns supporting the LGBTQ+ community and same-sex relations, the term...

Ms. Marvel

Having lectured on many aspects of Muslim media representation issues over the years, I have to mention Ms Marvel – which has been a joy to watch on Disney+....

Influence Impacted

TechCrunch, Google Exec suggests Instagram and TikTok are eating into Google core products, search and maps “The TikTok threat to Google’s business isn’t just limited to YouTube, as it...