Hashtag Islam Review
![Screenshot review Ragozina](screenshot-review-ragozina.png)
Forthcoming Webinar
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MA Islamic Studies
Review: Hashtag Islam
المدونات في بلدان العالم الإسلامي
المدونات في بلدان العالم الإسلامي
“The Islamic Blogosphere,” by Gary R. Bunt, published in Arabic in Fossoul (79) (Winter/Spring 2011): 178-210. نشرت هذه الورقة في مجلة "فصول" العدد رقم (79) شتاء/ربيع 2011: ص ص 178-210. trans. Alaaeldin Mahmoud available in Academia.edu
Online Seminar
Gary R. Bunt, 'The Allah Algorithm: Islamic Influencers over Time, Space and the Internet'.
Live from my living room, as part of UWTSD's Research Seminar Series on Religion, I'll be presenting at Tuesday 2nd June at 4.00 p.m. (UK time) 'The Allah Algorithm: Islamic Influencers over Time, Space and the Internet'. This is based on work in progress. It'll include some reflections on the COVID-19 situation and its impact on online discourse. The session will last for an hour or so.Access is via Teams. DM me if you require a link.
'The Net Imam Paradox: Leadership, Authority and Representation in Cyberspace'
Surfing the App Souq
Review: 'Hashtag Islam'
Public Lecture
Public Lecture
Review: Hashtag Islam
Discover More…I'm now on ResearchGate (although still have to add some materials)
Cyber Islamic Environments
Here's a piece in Geotimes by Ahmad Munawwir which takes a retrospective look at some of my earlier research (in Indonesian)
Discover More…Discount on 'Hashtag Islam' +
40% off UNC Press titles including #HashtagIslam and several books in the Islamic Civilization and Muslim Networks series. Details: https://uncpress.org/religious-studies-sale/
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Review - Hashtag Islam
Islam Virtual Menjelajah Islam di Jagad Maya
MEJ Review - Hashtag Islam
AICIS2019 Round-up
'Inside the Fatwa Machine'
I'm currently attending AICIS 2019 in Jakarta. A couple of diagrams I'll be using in my presentation 'Inside the Fatwa Machine' are here:
Discover More…iMuslims @10
'Hashtag Islam'
Discover More…'Hashtag Islam' is now available through OUP as an e-book: Oxford: Oxford University Press, Oxford Index, 2019 [subscription required]
AICIS Conference
Hajj 2019/1440
CIE Mindmap
Discover More…I've just updated the mind map first used in iMuslims. It's a work in progress … you'll also find it on the Mindmap tab.
Conference - AICIS 2019
Hashtag Islam
Choice Top 75
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'Hashtag Islam' review
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