Forthcoming Webinar
I'll be providing a webinar for the Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University: "The 'Allah Algorithm': Interpreting Islamic Influencers' Online Responses to Covid-19", Tuesday, September 8, 2020 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT (RSVP required)
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Hajj 2020/1441
02 August 2020 18:01 Filed in: hajj | COVID-19 | Eid | Ireland | KSA | Mecca | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Internet
Coverage of Hajj 2020/1441 and Eid online (which crosses over into the Covid-19 section of this blog) … Discover More…
'IS'/COVID-19 Narratives
Chelsea Daymon, Meili Criezis, CTC Sentinel, Pandemic Narratives: Pro-Islamic State Media and the Coronavirus, June 2020, Vol. 13, Issue 6 [PDF] (one for the reading list - I haven't read it yet)
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I will be providing a seminar for this webinar series in September. Check out the other speakers here: Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies (AVACGIS) at George Mason University, Covid-19 and Muslim Religiosity: an AVACGIS Webinar Series
Religion in Quarantine: The Future of Religion in a Post-Pandemic World
Heidi Campbell (ed), Religion in Quarantine: The Future of Religion in a Post-Pandemic World, (OakTrust, 2020) new e-book released on COVID-19 and religion, with a section on Muslim responses. It includes a chapter on Practising Islam in the COVID-19 age. Discover More…
Pakistan net influences
18 May 2020 17:24 Filed in: Pakistan internet | COVID-19
Ramadan 2020: Updated
With Virtual Iftars now a reality, I tracked specific issues of online engagement and Ramadan during the Coronavirus crisis. Discover More…
Polio in Pakistan
06 March 2020 12:03 Filed in: Pakistan | health | Immunisation | COVID-19 | Religious Authority | Osama bin Laden | Tehreek-e-Taliban
COVID-19: Updated
18 August 2020 11:22 Filed in: COVID-19 | UAE | Qom | Medicine | Iran Internet | Ritual | hajj | Indonesia Internet | New Zealand | Oman | Tablighi Jama'at | Ireland | Sokoto | Pakistan | Shrines | Turkmenistan | Azerbaijan | Tanzania | Nigeria | Ethiopia | Palestine | Canada | Fatwa | China Internet | Fake news | UAE internet | Kurdish internet | Kurdistan | Shi'ism | KSA | Saudi Internet | Saudi Arabia
COVID-19 coverage/issues relating specifically to Muslims and the internet: this section of the blog is now effectively a timeline of key concerns associated with COVID-19. Expect some writing of this in due course, and also a webinar of work-in-progress (in September). Discover More…