Hajj 2020/1441
02 August 2020 18:01 Filed in: hajj | COVID-19 | Eid | Ireland | KSA | Mecca | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Internet
Coverage of Hajj 2020/1441 and Eid online (which crosses over into the Covid-19 section of this blog) … Discover More…
Selfies in Mecca
New and noted: an article on Selfies in Mecca (PDF) by Z. Khabibullina. Discover More…
Hajj & Information
04 September 2019 17:00 Filed in: hajj | Pilgrimage
Hajj 2019/1440
12 August 2019 12:49 Filed in: hajj | Research | umrah | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Internet | Gary R. Bunt Publications | British Muslims | academia
A collection of links and resources associated with Hajj 2019/1440 Discover More…
Muslim Pilgrimage in the Modern World
New from UNC Press, Muslim Pilgrimage in the Modern World, Edited by Babak Rahimi, Peyman Eshaghi Discover More…
08 January 2019 15:11 Filed in: Television | hajj
IMDb, Condor starting a discussion on this recent programme, which links into issues associated with Islam and Muslims. Discover More…
'One Day in the Haram'
Review of 'One Day in the Haram':
Leslie Felperin, Guardian, One Day in the Haram review – a fascinating glimpse inside Islam's holiest site, 6 Sep 2018
"A trip to the mosque’s social media office offers an insight into how modern technology is used to service ancient traditions, and that tension between old and new is woven throughout the movie, which is in itself an artefact representative of that duality."
I discuss the issue of social media and pilgrimage in 'Hashtag Islam'.
I'm looking forward to seeing this. As it stands in the UK, it is only available on Amazon Prime at present. I'm hoping that a DVD release is imminent.
Leslie Felperin, Guardian, One Day in the Haram review – a fascinating glimpse inside Islam's holiest site, 6 Sep 2018
"A trip to the mosque’s social media office offers an insight into how modern technology is used to service ancient traditions, and that tension between old and new is woven throughout the movie, which is in itself an artefact representative of that duality."
I discuss the issue of social media and pilgrimage in 'Hashtag Islam'.
I'm looking forward to seeing this. As it stands in the UK, it is only available on Amazon Prime at present. I'm hoping that a DVD release is imminent.
Hajj Representation
08 September 2018 16:32 Filed in: Religious Authority | Social Media
It's been interesting to review the output of CIC Saudi Arabia on Twitter during Hajj 2018, presenting human stories within the hajj. Some examples are below (check my @garybunt Twitter feed for more):
The following video isn't on theYouTube channel yet, but here's a Twitter link: in contemporary times, the long distance journey to hajj on foot becomes all the more remarkable #hajj CIC Saudi Arabia, [@CICSaudi], "Hajj is over but for Othman AlShahin the journey is not over yet. The man who walked 450km to Hajj (the equivalent distance of #Paris to #Geneva) is now on his way home by foot. "
COVID-19: Updated
18 August 2020 11:22 Filed in: COVID-19 | UAE | Qom | Medicine | Iran Internet | Ritual | hajj | Indonesia Internet | New Zealand | Oman | Tablighi Jama'at | Ireland | Sokoto | Pakistan | Shrines | Turkmenistan | Azerbaijan | Tanzania | Nigeria | Ethiopia | Palestine | Canada | Fatwa | China Internet | Fake news | UAE internet | Kurdish internet | Kurdistan | Shi'ism | KSA | Saudi Internet | Saudi Arabia
COVID-19 coverage/issues relating specifically to Muslims and the internet: this section of the blog is now effectively a timeline of key concerns associated with COVID-19. Expect some writing of this in due course, and also a webinar of work-in-progress (in September). Discover More…