The New Arab, Missing Saudi cleric ‘flees kingdom’ after controversial video, 8 Mar 2023
“Emad Al-Moubayed, a preacher who allegedly criticised recent reforms in Saudi Arabia’s entertainment industry, posted a message saying he was now in a “safe country”.” Also see Middle East Eye, Saudi cleric who criticised government has ‘left the country “Moubayed’s comments from the initial video he posted appeared to be in reference to Riyadh’s recent measures easing decades-long restrictions on entertainment, as part of efforts to improve its image, diversify its economy, and attract tourists.”. Emad Al-Moubayed’s Twitter feed is here for those wishing to investigate further.


Digitally distracted professor. Researcher/author on Islam, Muslims and the internet. Emoji-free zone. Reposting does not imply endorsement, etc. #HashtagIslam #Islam